Little miss Ava is as busy as ever! She has 8 teeth now, 6 in front and 2 molars, with 3 more coming in soon we hope. She's our little curious girl. She loves to be outside and look at all the plants and trees and examine them. She is very interested in animals and books and anything she can study for a little while.
The girl also LOVES to color. She can say 'please' now when we give her a crayon and she will take herself over to her little desk in the corner of our living room and draw (even if there is no paper there!) thankfully the desk is easy to clean and she has never drawn on any walls (yet).
She's a smart little cookie, she only needs to see something done once and she can copy it... sometimes not the best thing for her parents but she is very observant! The other day she spent at least 20 minutes trying to buckle her baby doll into her old infant carrier car seat! I couldn't believe it! It was darling!
I've also been extra busy lately. Brittybird.com has been going REALLY great but can also be tiring. I love what I do and am so thankful for the money it brings in and hoping to start using it to pay off some bills and save for our house (that we desperately need because of my shop)
We have been slacking off on doing weight watchers which is really disappointing... I've been really enjoying working out when I can but I've not had a lot of time. I'm hoping to find a better balance so that I can work out and focus on eating better. Without losing weight theres not a lot of hope in getting pregnant. We are coming up on a year since we decided to have a 2nd. Its very hard not to have our second baby in our arms yet (or my belly) but we pray that it won't be too much longer that we have to wait. Whenever they do arrive they will be so loved and worth the wait I am sure. I've developed more patience than I could have ever imagined and feel like a better mother than I would have been without this journey.
My mom came up to visit us 2 weeks ago! It was so much fun to have her here and I wish so much that she lived here! We love her and we were able to do something REALLY fun with her while she was here! We did our family portraits for the year and got to include my mom in some with just Ava and Ava and I. I adore them and am so grateful for what a wonderful woman she is!