ITS HOT HERE! Ok now that I stated the obvious, lets move on to fun stuff!
We got here a week ago Saturday. We decided to split up the trip into 2 days and stop in Saint George over night and see Dan's Grandma! Ava got to see all her animals and loved them! It was fun to stop to see her!

We stayed in a motel but since it was pioneer day weekend motel prices were nearly double (75$) for 1 night!!! NOT FUN! And Ava decided to only sleep for 2 hours. She started getting a cold right when we were heading out on Friday and I didn't want to cancel because of it so it made the trip a bit more interesting. I ended up staying up with her the whole night that night and by 5 am we just gave up and got on the road. We ended up getting into Tempe just after noon. We were exhausted.
Grandma bought Ava this little slide and at first she loved it... not so much after the first fall, but it will be fun to have a grandma's house our next visit!!

Kate and Kirk came over the first day right after we got in and we immediately started in on projects! Kate and I did this crayon melting project that took 2 days... this was the first half

We decided Ava needed her own week long project :) She did 7 paintings while we were here! She loved playing in the paint!

Sunday we got to go to my moms ward which I always love doing! Ava dressed up in "corona colors" and looked adorable. She spent the whole time walking around or coloring. Her 2 favorite things!

We sat our crayons outside all day Sunday

Ava made more art

Monday we hung out and I ran errands :) and we went to my Dad's for dinner. Ava also enjoyed playing Grandma's piano while we were down

Tuesday we took Ava to the splash pad, which she loved!!! This girl is a busy little bee!

Tuesday night we went to a BBQ at Lonna's mom's house and got to see a lot of our friends.
On Wednesday we went to lunch with my friend Tera and took Chloe and Ava to play at the mall playground. I was chasing Ava the entire time because she thought it was so much fun to run out of the play center so I had to catch her! Still cute but exhausting!

Thursday I woke up with horrible back pain, probably from Wednesday. We took it easy that day, not to mention Ava's lungs were sounding really bad. Either from the cold or from asthma. It was NOT fun! I hate when she gets wheezy and I don't have all her medicine with us. We still went and had dinner with my dad that night and after getting Ava to bed finally went and saw Harry Potter.

On Friday I met up with my cousin Melissa and helped her find some hair flowers for her wedding (11/11/11) It was fun catching up with her.

On Saturday I worked on projects most of the day... etsy onesies and headbands and bows. Dan and my mom watched Ava most of the day. It was Kates birthday so we went to an aquarium to celebrate with her.