Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What's in a name

Sometimes I can't believe I named Ava, Ava. Its such a popular name these last few years, there will be lots of other little girls named Ava. Also, how weird of a name is Ava? Its only 3 letters (2 of which are the same), its spelled the same way forwards or backwards, it has a V in it!? Ava is far from the name I imagined naming a baby when I was younger. I always imagined any name that ended in a "y" or really just that "e" sound. Names I thought I would use were Hailey, Riley, Kaylee, etc.

I fell in love with the name Ava right after Dan and I got engaged. I knew I would name Ava this before she was born, before we were even pregnant. This got me worried "what if she didn't look like an Ava?" I also had a really hard time calling her Ava before she was born and it bothered me at first when other people called her Ava. I immediately regretted telling anyone her name, especially once people started giving me their opinions about it. Thankfully I didn't really care if people thought it was "too popular" or if people try to call her "Eva" all the time.

Her middle name is Allison after my sister who passed away before I was born. It means a lot to me to be able to name Ava after my sister. I always wanted a sister growing up. At first I didn't love the names Ava and Allison together, but I wanted to use both of these names, I didn't want to save one with the thought that we would have another girl. Now I can't imagine a more perfect name for Ava.

If we do have another girl someday in the distant future, I have NO idea what I will name her. I don't love anything like I loved the name Ava. Thankfully I don't have to name another baby girl anytime soon. We liked Aidan for a boy, now I am not sure if we will use that in the future. I told Dan recently a name I really liked for a boy. He however did NOT like it. I do, so we will see if I ever get to use it :)


Jeanine said...

I know what you mean about regretting to tell some people about the name you've picked for your child. It's amazing to me what some people will say about the name and all the reasons you shouldn't use it! It's not like we chose some crazy name that will scar the child for life, so keep your opinions to yourself, least that's the thought that goes through my head :)

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

i LOVE the name Ava!! that was my top pick for a girl name... but then my bro in law named their little girl Ava and last name is Arnett too so that would be kinda confusing! :(
but its a beautiful name for your beautiful little girl!

Brittany Calkins said...

Jeanine I regretted about the second after I told people haha but I didn't let anyone change my mind. :) Not to mention I love the name Jude! I only know 1 Jude and its Brindy's boy who posted after you!

Brittany Calkins said...

Thanks Brindy! Ava Arnett is a cute name thou but it would be confusing to have 2. A cousin of Dan's little boy is named Jet and then I believe her brother in law named his son Jet and they both have the same last name :)

MommaChelle said...

Hey! i totally am just like you with the name thing!... I can't call Kaylie Kaylie even though we've had that name picked out before we were even engaged haha. And itmakes me sooo annoyed when people call her kaylie and makes me regret telling anyone thats the name we chose, also. haha I don't know why i feel like that but i just do, but, it looks like im not the only one haha. It epecially bothers me when people tell me different ways to spell kaylie. It makes me want to completely chage the name just because. anyways, ok this was kind of a vent for me, sorry, maybe im a little irritable because im pregnant.

Brittany Calkins said...

Michelle, I know exactly how you feel. I guess I felt like Ava's name was so special to me I didn't want anyone to call her by it. Also I felt like she was a part of me not separate and it was weird to have people talking about this piece of me. Haha I love your spelling, don't change it. I nearly changed Ava's name but I honestly couldn't come up with anything I loved more. :)