Monday, November 8, 2010

Sick Ava

I hate hate hate when Ava is sick. She was sick for a month straight from 5-6 months. 6-7 were great and now 7-8 has been really rough. She has had a night cough for over 2 weeks now and a cold that started last week. Now her cough has changed into a really nasty barky cough and she is wheezing.

Once I heard her coughing during her nap the barky cough and the wheezing today I took her into the doctor. We didn't see our usual doctor and it was a rather confusing appointment. We discussed RSV, Pertussis, and Croup. She is being treated for all 3. She did say she has Bronciolitis.

She got a steroid shot, a breathing treatment and antibiotics. Seriously, I feel so confused right now. If she is worse tomorrow then we have to take her to the hospital for a chest x-ray. If she stays the same or starts getting better then we just go back to the doctor on Thursday. I hate having a sick baby. Its so frusterating and sad not to be able to fix it.


The Halladays said...

Oh no! That's so sad. Poor Ava.

Clarissa B. said...

I know how you feel! That is soo sad. Im sorry for poor Ava and poor Mommy!

Thanks for your comments! I am really surprised that I am not as sick yet either. Hopefully it will stay that way! I hope you guys can get pregnant again, because you sure make the cutest babies ever!!

Steve + Brindy Arnett said...

poor girl!! im so sorry she's sick :( jude's sick right now too and it just sucks. especially when you do all you can and it still doesn't help.

i love the video of her crawling. i can't believe how fast she is!!! and i love all her hair... jude has hair envy. or maybe just me ;)