Tuesday, June 16, 2009

What I have been doing since We moved

  1. Actively being sick and probably contagious
  2. Checking up on my elderly dog
  3. Sewing
  4. Making to do lists and not doing the things on them
  5. Watching TLC, Food Network & MTV
Thats pretty much it. We have unpacked most of our stuff and have been swimming once. I have to say I have more bruises than I have ever had in my entire life. Not sure why, other than I guess moving. So many of my muscles hurt and I have been getting in bed by 8pm and laying around. I dislike being sick.

Its weird not to be at work because I am not on the internet very much now. Boring update, I know.

In other news, Dan's started his job and I am so excited for him... I only wish we had our cars down here already in order to make the mornings easier.Dan and I went to the APARN adoption day up in Glendale on Saturday to see some pugs. We put in papers to start fostering one of their pugs if we can. We fell in love with one really hyper pug who is 2 years old named Vincent. We would love to foster him, but who knows. His owners dropped him off with Aparn when were were there.


Alyssa said...

That dog is so cute! I would take him :) And actually, mac and cheese with hot dogs is pretty good! I like it better than regular mac and cheese. Or regular hot dogs actually.

La Esposa said...

That lil' pug is Adorable.

Hope you feel better mija!

Dan said...