Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tolstoy on Marriage

"Ivan had no clearly defined intention of marrying; but when the girl fell in love with him, he put the question to himself: "After all, why not get married?"

The young lady ... was of good family, nice-looking ... Ivan might have reckoned on a more brilliant match, but this was a good match. Ivan had his salary; she, he hoped, would have as much of her own.

It was a good family; she was sweet, pretty, and perfectly comme il faut young woman. To say that Ivan got married because he fell in love with his wife and found in her sympathy with his views of life, would be as untrue as to say that he got married because the people of his world approved of the match.

Ivan was influenced by both considerations; he was doing what was agreeable to himself in securing such a wife, and at the same time doing what persons of higher standing looked upon as the correct thing.

So Ivan got married."

He ends up hating her... She ends up hating him... My teacher thought this was a grand lesson to be taught at BYU. Too many people marry because they feel they are "supposed" to.

Moral of the story... do what is right for you and please marry someone you love!


Kate, Ben and Archie said...

I agree, and sometimes doing what is right for yourself is the hardest thing, because others will try to convince us it isn't right for you. What class was this in?

Brittany Calkins said...

Its in my humanities 202 civ class... My teacher is utterly phenomenal!!