Saturday, January 31, 2009

I have been journaling more

And blogging less. I wish I had things to blog about right now but mostly I have just been writing to myself.

Life is going quite well, but I don't have anything cute to post (like a child or a puppy)... so ya that's it for now.

Tonight Dan drove me up to American Fork so I could see the Mount Timp temple. I wanted to see it before we went there to get our endowments out in April! Which I am unbelievably excited to do!

Tomorrow we are going to Kaysville to have dinner at Dan's Aunt Mary's! I am excited to see the family!

I am currently taking fun dosages of pain medication. I had a root canal on Monday for a tooth that wasn't hurting and now (post root canal) is killing me. I highly dislike dentists and their freakish ways.

I am getting ready for midterms to start and Dan and I are still a pretty awesome pair, just extraordinarily busy!


MommaChelle said...

dentists and their freakish ways? hahah that cracked me up.
ps i went through the timp temple for my first time, its so beautiful, you'll love it!

Ashley said...

Yay for going to Kaysville! It's a wonderful place :)

Alyssa said...

Cute blog! I have also gone through Mount Timpanogas and it is gorgeous inside! You will love it. Congratulations!

emily said...

Bleh. A few semesters ago I had a tender place in my gums, then woke up with a hugely swollen face. The dentist gave me a root canal and told me my teeth had experienced trauma during my braces years. Who knew?

Needless to say...I feel your root canal pain.